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My disagreements with this administration
Granny Bear Wrote:Trump basically won without the support of either party. His victory represents people who are fed up with politics as usual. Add to that, the fact that the Dems elected Hillary to run against him. She had way too much baggage.

I'm amazed he has completed what he has so far.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Agree 100 percent.
Like Congress cares though. They're approval rating has almost been in the negative for years

I will say this. I'm by no means connected to McConnell or will act like I am, but I am close with someone who works for him. Interesting tidbit about McConnell....he is almost completely deaf. He can barely hear anything but hides it well. I guess that's how he's drowned out all the hate for 30 years Confusednicker:
This should be his last go around as senator.
I hope to God candidates worth a crap step forward to replace.

Granny Bear Wrote:I have little respect for him. I voted for him solely because of who was running against him; much like Trump.

I knew he was deaf, but as old as he is he is lucky to be able to see.

Not only that, McConnell is inextricably wedded to the ideas of the past where house rules, bi-partisanship, the good ol days, however one may care to characterize it, during which harmony between the governing parties sometimes reigned. But those days are gone along with any hope of winning Democrat cooperation or friendship.

The only way this country is to regain it's footing from the secular standpoint, is for McConnell et-al to put the left under subjection according to the recently and undeniably expressed will of the voter. The left says the ways and policies of the conservative right will not work. Thus the only way forward is to prove them wrong by steamrolling their ridiculous stonewalling and foot dragging to put policy in place and let the people see for themselves.

For that reason alone I am concerned that McConnell is too much of a Teddy bear to fulfill the destiny conferred upon him by 'the people.' But again, the sprigs of new shoots have pushed forth out of that old legislative stump; And there is hope for the present that voter's immediate concerns may yet be realized. Now, Rand Paul? The last thing, (not that he is in position) we need is for a guy like that to ever become majority leader.

The taxpayer was shoved into a near bottomless pit during the Obama Administration as the result of ObamaCare being rammed through. And here's the real problem. The difficulty under which Republicans are beset with regard to health care insurance is the immense cost associated with working folks paying for the coverage of non-working folks. That was the killing blow that Dems dealt the citizenry of this land when they foisted upon them this unbearable burden. And here's the simple answer... The able bodied should and must work. No more free ride and no more fake disablement. Daddies held to account of their own, no more taxpayer subsidized sexual misconduct. The rest (a much lesser number) we may just be able to barely afford to subsidize. But the process has to be honest and free of biases like race and special interests. Absolutely no illegal immigrants coming into this land and piling onto the welfare rolls. And lastly, people who refuse to work can darn well write a letter, use a public phone, or walk over and speak to whoever it is they want to converse with, which means no more tents stuck up all over the place handing out cell phones on the taxpayer dime.
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My disagreements with this administration - by TheRealThing - 06-28-2017, 07:12 PM

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