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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA
Here is another thing today's event brings into question. Privacy rights. Had someone (meaning law enforcement/government) looked into this guy as soon as he posted what he did on facebook and other social media months ago, would today's events have happened?

This guy pretty much posted that he was going to do something, and he did, a very much preventable act, if we allow law enforcement/government to get into our lives more. Is it an infringement on our rights, yes. Is it for our own safety and the safety of the public, yes. Could it be used against us at any point in which we did not commit an act but just verbalized our discretions, yes.

How far do we let it go?
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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA - by plantmanky - 06-14-2017, 11:19 PM

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