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White House scrambles to defend Trump’s use of climate data, disputed by the authors
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:All things were made by and for Christ, and without him nothing that was created would have existed (Colossians).

Now, to God, "a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day." God exists above and beyond the space-time continuum. We do not. For God to explain Himself, His ways to us, there has to be reduction, else we could not understand even a little bit. So, in Genesis, is a "day" as we understand a day? I do not know. Is it your contention that salvation depends upon a person believing it was 7 days as the space-time limits of our minds understand them?

My contention is man has no right or leave, for that matter, to add anything to or take anything away from that which The Lord has said. God lives outside of time, ABTW I guarantee you picked that up from me, a day is 24 hours long and He wouldn't have referred to a six day creation period if it had instead been eons. Evolutionists such as yourself, need impossibly long periods of time in which to reconcile Darwin's pipe dream notions of man's origin. Wrap yourself up in that warm fuzzy blanket it you like. I prefer to take the Lord at His word.
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White House scrambles to defend Trump’s use of climate data, disputed by the authors - by TheRealThing - 06-06-2017, 07:53 PM

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