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Trump and his sharing with the Russians
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Again, you are creating straw men. I have not advocated for any Obama administration folks.

I have yet to suggest impeachment, except to light-heartedly reference a Pine Mountain Grill wager.

As the days and weeks move forward, we'll all see. 1) You seem to have anchored your policy desires to President Trump, seeing him, somehow, as a true champion of the common man. 2) You seem enamored of the idea that all the commotion is a function of hatred of and contempt for President Trump, and not real "imperial Presidency" issues of his own making. We shall see.

Conversation with you seems like speaking with an asylum inmate.

1) - My policy desires are anchored in morality. A morality I experienced first hand for most of my life, and one of which I am well acquainted. Hopefully now that the new Deputy Attorney General has acquiesced to Democrat demands, we can at least get to the bottom of the ridiculous Trump/Russia ruse. Lou Dobbs is hopeful that all of Director Comey's memos will eventually come into play and we can all see what was going on with Russia, the inexplicable refusal of the DNC to allow FBI officials in to investigate the Russian hacking into their data base, the Russian election tampering, the Clinton emails and why Comey chose not to pursue such matters of public interest. And maybe even a little bit about why 17 intelligence agencies were suddenly recipient to unmasked Americans and raw but catalogued NSA data. All courtesy of Susan Rice and the Obama Administration.

2) - Like they say, you can't make this stuff up.
"The Democratic National Committee reportedly is planning to pump $1 million into everything from rallies, town halls and neighborhood meetings in hopes of growing voter opposition to President Trump.
The so-called “Resistance Summer” is billed as a 50-state strategy. The DNC plans to hold events across the country in early June before sponsoring a national training summit in the hopes of attracting scores of new Democratic voters, the Hill reported."

There is nothing about all of this which is not manufactured.
Messages In This Thread
Trump and his sharing with the Russians - by TheRealThing - 05-18-2017, 02:45 AM
Trump and his sharing with the Russians - by nky - 05-18-2017, 12:30 PM

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