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Trump and his sharing with the Russians
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:While Ronald Reagan is much revered and referenced, a question Hoot Gibson: would Ronald Reagan recognize the conservatism now in ascendency, as opposed to his own? Would he find President Trump appealing?
With all due respect, Mexican Hat, you would not recognize conservatism if it bit you in the ass. The fact that you think Trump's election marks the ascendancy of conservatism reveals what a shallow fellow you are where politics is concerned.

I approve of much of what Trump has done to date, but he is no conservative and he never has been a conservative. You and other liberals of your ilk have shown that you are easily bewildered by a president who enacts some common sense, pro-American policies. I am no Trump fan, but the unwarranted, dishonest, and unpatriotic attacks on this nation's president is reprehensible - and you should not mistake my comment for political hyperbole.
Messages In This Thread
Trump and his sharing with the Russians - by Hoot Gibson - 05-17-2017, 01:49 AM
Trump and his sharing with the Russians - by nky - 05-18-2017, 12:30 PM

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