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Bill O'Reilly, Russia and Income Taxes
TheRealThing Wrote:And again, the loop train makes it's stop at Circleville Station. I understand today's human trafficking market is far more prolific than it was in the 17th and 18th centuries of which you have been taken captive, I can tell you that. And not that you'd have the first clue as to the state of affairs at the Jefferson household, but you would see this land reduced to irrelevancy over alleged sins of the past. What about today's slave trade? Passing judgment and sentence on modern society for something that happened centuries past is beyond asinine. Why not advocate for the victims of our time and work up those 'feelings' about them?

From Hillary to George Soros, in you the left have found a defender until death do you part. Slaves throughout history have been the victims of those they trust, exploited by their own people for money. Not Thomas Jefferson

Yes, Thomas Jefferson, and the point is not to be held hostage by the past, but to recognize that the past is a part of history. You create arguments you want to debate. This is fallacy at its zenith. This nation will not be reduced to irrelevancy by egalitarian principle or freedom of conscience or the continual striving toward the ideals of our founding documents at their highest calling. Give us all a break from your sanctimonious droning.
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Bill O'Reilly, Russia and Income Taxes - by The Urban Sombrero - 04-26-2017, 03:37 AM

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