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Bill O'Reilly, Russia and Income Taxes
TheRealThing Wrote:As I have mentioned to you, psychologists refer to your particular neurosis as projection. Those afflicted 'project' their own faults on foes and opponents. I don't know what nomeclative somersaults specialists in the field might have to go through to completely coin the clinical woes from which you suffer, but what I do know is your writing vocabulary, analogies, inflections and literary nuance are nearly an exact copy of my own. I mean as in the post above, many times you don't let the dust settle before you launch off into another one your plagiarisms.

You're gonna have to come up with your own material if you want to impress somebody other than Gitback Coach and mr.fundamental. :biggrin:

Man, you sure look in the mirror and preen a lot. You toss around unsubstantiated allegations like Hal Mumme used to toss around the football. Apparently, "impressing" folks is on your mind quite a bit, as you come back to it a lot. In that I know zero people personally on BGR, and you obviously do, your charge is rather odd. It appears you understand the concept of projection, but, because you are, after all, a king-sized Patti Partisan, you consistently misapply its designation to suit your own purposes.
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Bill O'Reilly, Russia and Income Taxes - by The Urban Sombrero - 04-24-2017, 11:04 PM

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