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Bill O'Reilly, Russia and Income Taxes
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️ More blather and ad hominem from a guy who thinks egalitarian principle is a feeling and freedom of conscience an emotion. What rot. You need a new act, sporto. The whole "bleeding heart" thing is SO tired. And, if it applied here, were it valid, so be it; however, it is a type of a last resort for a pompous gas bag. Sorry, old pal, your irrelevant gibberish settles nothing for none but your tenuous ego.

As I have mentioned to you, psychologists refer to your particular neurosis as projection. Those afflicted 'project' their own faults on foes and opponents. I don't know what nomeclative somersaults specialists in the field might have to go through to completely coin the clinical woes from which you suffer, but what I do know is your writing vocabulary, analogies, inflections and literary nuance are nearly an exact copy of my own. I mean as in the post above, many times you don't let the dust settle before you launch off into another one your plagiarisms.

You're gonna have to come up with your own material if you want to impress somebody other than Gitback Coach and mr.fundamental. :biggrin:
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Bill O'Reilly, Russia and Income Taxes - by TheRealThing - 04-24-2017, 10:25 PM

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