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Trump: I won't have time to golf when I am President
TheRealThing Wrote:I see your projectionist obsessions have taken you irretrievably hostage.

Bob said you're a race baiter, a point of fact on which I concur BTW. You came back and stated as clearly as you're capable, that you believe Obama was the victim of racial bias. Now, I don't know what YOU think the topic is, I however was able to pick it off without a lot of effort.

But you got it right, there was bias the last eight years. It first showed up at the ridiculous beer summit, and if I'm not too mistaken Obama rated the performance of the police in that matter as stupid. It showed up again in the civil disobedience called Occupy Main Street. It showed up every time a black person was arrested for breaking the law and in the subsequent government sanctioned episodes of rioting and arson. It showed up with Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Grey, Eric Garner and any number of civil rights investigations opened up by the Justice Department.

Warm showers together report:

Here is what was said: in the alt right movement at least some of the heavy fuel vitriol directed at President Obama had racial overtones. Not once have I suggested that black folks are incapable of racism. However, it is generally understood sociologically speaking that racism from a majority upon a minority has more immediate impact than from a minority upon a majority, and is more damaging to the minority. This is basic and obvious. Given that, nowhere have I suggested prejudice is somehow only an issue in the hearts of white people.
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Trump: I won't have time to golf when I am President - by The Urban Sombrero - 04-20-2017, 11:22 PM

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