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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide
TheRealThing Wrote:God's plan was for the people of Israel to be governed by Judges, Samson for example. But because the people of Israel have seldom been satisfied to obey God, for a period beginning with King Saul and though God disapproved, He nonetheless allowed Israel to be ruled by a succession of Kings.

I hate to have to spring this on you but to be ruled by Judges IS a theocratic form of government, and it worked very well until the Jew rebelled, when the Lord at that point gave them what they demanded and what they deserved. So rather than having the God of the Universe to rule over them, they got a flawed and mistake prone mortal man. By the time of the prophet Malachi the Church had been restored to a position of power, which continued on through the the Roman occupation, as Pilate clearly dealt with the leaders of the established Church Orthodoxy at the time of Christ.

Tell the truth now, you're a Bernie supporter aren't you?

Amen brother that is what happened. I thought you were talking about the people in ACTS, which of course was ruled by the Roman Empire. They saw the destruction of the temple in 70ish AD.

As far as wealth is concerned, who owns it... again, one of my favorite things that the Teacher should us, and it still applies today.

I liked some of what Bernie had to say, I voted for him.

Also judging from a brief read from the comments above, I think you proved Urban S. point of how Christians jump from one leader to the next, with the example of the old testament, which also gives testimony of why the O.T. is still relevant for us today. I thank you for that.

This is fun. I really enjoy this.
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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by tvtimeout - 03-01-2017, 04:20 PM

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