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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide
TheRealThing Wrote:I heard the conductor call for the willing to board the loop train in Circleville again, I'm not willing. Anyway, you're still sporting the bullet holes from our previous engagements on Essential Liberty. The term does not exist ANYWHERE, in any founding document.

If you voted for any candidate ever, who is a sworn supporter of the modern day Democrat Platform you don't need to be forced or imposed upon to violate your Christian scruples, you already did that of your own volition. Not that my witnessing and commenting on the historical record should need any more substantiation, but as to the case about Dems, in the US Congress there is a total of only 6 Republicans who support the practice of abortion; In the Senate are Susan Collins ® ME, Shelley Moore Capito ® WV, Lisa Murkowski ® AK. The 3 in the House are Lynn Jenkins ® KS, Rodney Frelinghuysen ® NJ, Charlie Dent ® PA. The last time I checked it took way more than 6 people to pass legislation in Congress.

No form of truth exists in opposition to any other form of truth. My faith therefore, does not exist apart from the realities of this world, whether they be spiritual, political or secular. There are no mitigating factors, owing to life in this world, to insulate men from the steely missiles of God's inflexible Word. But more than that, are the ramifications brought to bear here in this life as the result of choices we all make, as well as the life to come. Men say 'what goes around comes around,' Scripture says Galatians 6:7 (KJV)
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

If you think you can argue for, and vote for policies and candidates in support of social behaviors which clearly violate God's law go ahead. What Christ said was that 'a house divided against itself cannot stand.' No Christian should argue for the horrors of abortion, or the legalization of abominable behavior. The argument to which you cling which makes demands for the freedom to err is moot and irrelevant. People have been allowed to do what ever they want to do with themselves in the moral sense, for my entire lifetime. You may not think you've been forced to violate your Christian scruples, on the other hand I know I've been. The argument is not whether people can be gay, the argument is whether the Supreme Court should legalize that lifestyle, to include benefits no less, that all Christians are by law, FORCED to pay for.

I sport bullet holes in your cocksure imagination, O self-lauding one.

The extensions from private belief to public policy in a free society certainly loop around. That's for certain.

What does your faith say about supporting a man who lusts for married women, seeks them out, wins some, loses some? If it were Bill Clinton, you'd certainly have a say. You surrendered your consistency and witness in pom-poming for Donald Trump. And everybody knows it. The partisan always trips on his own feathers.
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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by The Urban Sombrero - 02-27-2017, 12:10 AM
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by tvtimeout - 03-01-2017, 04:20 PM

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