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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The very President of the United States has only a VERY recent "conversion" in the abortion issue, the homosexuality issue.

The very President of the United States has, without any real explanation, broken with decorum, if not honesty, and refused to release his tax information.

The very figure head, TRT, which you have so often supported and defended, stands as rebuttal. No person, and I mean no person, who has remotely based his principles, his thinking, his life on Scripture refers to a passage being in "Two Corinthians."

Thus, my contention that Christians are forever falling for one Constantine or another, hitching faith wagons to one or another falling star in a manner that is unwise.

LOL, I see. And that being the case you, the lone Sombrero, are above it all I suppose? The world system as it exists today has been essentially the same since the days of King Nebuchadnezzar. Finance, governance, the social order, all of it. And God has according to His inerrant Word, chosen to use this system, and His flawed yet saved children, to reach a lost world. But where recent 'conversions' are concerned, the Apostle Paul was literally on his way to do harm to Christians, betrayers of the Jewish Orthodoxy, when the Lord intercepted him on the road to Damascus. In a matter of mere seconds, Paul (Saul) went from murderer to servant as he said without equivocation, Acts 9:6 (KJV)
6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
What followed in the life of Paul represents the bulk of the New Testament.

I said I have noted a marked progression, an unashamed declaration on the part of man to oppose to the tenets of Christianity. That is true in the Congress, the courts, and society at large. Further, I had opportunity to see that same phenomena manifested in like fashion across Europe and the far east. But even if I'd not traveled to and lived in those places, the headlines bear adequate witness of the truth. Hence the premise of this thread, liberalism has infected the entire world. The world at the time of Antichrist, not so unlike the world as it is now in fact, will be a lawless place. Lawlessness will be accompanied by man's bent to Globalism, thus the fruition of the liberal vision of a world without borders and of men united in monolithic brotherhood. Mankind will celebrate, but Scripture tells us this culmination will actually take place during the seven years of Tribulation.

Anything... any cause, any politicization, rationale, law or argument which stands either implicitly or explicitly in opposition to the Word of God, is wrong. End of story. Somehow though, people have gotten to the point where they feel that eloquent opposition will magically trump truth. Satan operates in that exact guise. Guile worked so well in the case of Eve when she defied God's expressed commandment, Satan has used the tactic every day since. Christians do not hitch their spiritual wagons to a thing, that is other than a faith in the risen Lord, or they are not Christians at all. But then in your having said they do, you have made my argument for me; The vast majority of folks who claim to be Christians are not actually saved. I believe they understand that there is One true God, and that He is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, The God of Israel. And yet in stopping short of a saving faith, and though they likely realize their faith lacks certainty, out of resect if nothing else they tend to defer to the tenets of Christianity. Your 'two Corinthians' criticism means nothing to the pragmatic and authentic Christian, who was never deceived about Mr Trump. And I couldn't help but notice you did not attempt to dance around the fact that it is the Dems who've tried to 'legislate' conservatives into submission.

There is however misconception about Christianity, though not in the way you preach. It is impossible to be saved and not know the truth. The salvation experience is nothing short of a miracle, as each person whom God saves, the same by Him have their eyes opened. They become a new creature in Christ and are led by the Holy Spirit, as that is His ministry. No, the misconception is in man's insistence that his life compares favorably to other people. That he of himself is better than murderers and liars, thusly sidestepping or mitigating Christ's finished work on the cross. Why would He die, and why would God the Father allow Him to die, if we could of our own pass muster at the judgment? The standard is perfection as in the perfect life of the Son of God, not in any comparison to other people. That would be like comparing flu viruses, there are no good ones.
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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by TheRealThing - 02-26-2017, 09:24 PM
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by tvtimeout - 03-01-2017, 04:20 PM

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