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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide
The very President of the United States has only a VERY recent "conversion" in the abortion issue, the homosexuality issue.

The very President of the United States has, without any real explanation, broken with decorum, if not honesty, and refused to release his tax information.

The very figure head, TRT, which you have so often supported and defended, stands as rebuttal. No person, and I mean no person, who has remotely based his principles, his thinking, his life on Scripture refers to a passage being in "Two Corinthians."

Thus, my contention that Christians are forever falling for one Constantine or another, hitching faith wagons to one or another falling star in a manner that is unwise.
Messages In This Thread
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by The Urban Sombrero - 02-26-2017, 06:26 PM
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by tvtimeout - 03-01-2017, 04:20 PM

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