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02-25-2017, 06:06 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Christianity," if one includes Roman Catholicism, continues to be numero uno in assembling the masses. Thus, "Christianity" is still being accepted by the masses. Now, the garbled mix of right wing politics and religion offered up as "true, blessed Christianity"? Eh, not so much. And, to be fair, the grounding of hope on the beautiful and educateable being of man, the source of illumination and beauty? Eh, not so much either.
I may disagree with TRT often, but I respect his principled adherance to that which he believes, and he's right on it, in my view, in much of his cultural analysis.
^^ Thanks for saying this, I appreciate it.
We have been privileged to live in a time which has featured exponential growth in knowledge. From the days of Chevy Super Sports, to the super computers of the present, man's technological advance has been nothing short of jaw dropping. But in the midst of celebrating all our advancements, I believe we have somehow forgotten how to take measure of our moral condition, which has backslidden nearly as far as technology has advanced.
The past 8 years have been called by many a time of transformation, and so it was IMHO. College students for example, are aged somewhere between 17 and 25 years, eight of which have been spent under the Presidency of one man, who if you will recall made many of his speeches from the college campuses across this land. All which means that from the earliest days of their ability to reason, they have to varying degrees been indoctrinated with the liberal view, which view was validated by no less than the President. The riots and unrest, though led by paid protestors, are nonetheless being participated in by these students and non-students of like age. Thus some are motivated by money, and some are motivated by ideology. But the reality is this, prior to the last administration we had not seen protests, especially nationally organized protests, for decades. First it was Occupy Main Street followed by a supportive media blitz against the nation's so-called one percenters. Then came the race riots attached to police actions involving violence, (but only when violence was used against blacks, not whites or even Hispanics), again inflamed daily by the media. And then came the protests and violence against the Trump campaign/Presidency.
But it gets worse, and in the context of putting all this together in factual chronology, it is important to recognize the true nature of the transformation. Then President Obama never chastised those engaged in property damage, arson and rioting. Not once in 8 years. Nor did DOJ heads Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch. Instead we heard the praises of BLM sung from the Oval Office. Further, we saw members gesturing from the floor of both chambers of the US Congress, raising their hands in infamy to say 'Hands up, don't shoot.' From the President to the supportive media, this false narrative has stoked the fires of unrest for nearly the entire Obama era.
So post Obama, what are we left with going forward? Well a tremendously contemptuous standoff between liberals and conservatives for one. The media calls that situation a deeply divided country. And said division is not one which will be eased in a couple of months or years for that matter. Conservatives are trying to return this land to the state of civility which existed as it was 8 years ago, not that we should in any way settle for that goal, but even that much progress won't be easy. Congressional Dems leading the charge against the elected federal government will never capitulate, they will instead have to be voted out. I believe it will take 8 years of a DJT Presidency to significantly begin the opening of American eyes, (those who've been indoctrinated over he past 8 years). Following that, it certainly would not hurt to see Mike Pence in the White House for the next 8. In that time, everybody will see that the only interest Republicans really have, is to that of the 'common good', a return to workable national unity and a healthy appreciation for American sovereignty.
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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by TheRealThing - 02-25-2017, 06:06 PM
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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by mr.fundamental - 03-01-2017, 07:26 PM
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by TheRealThing - 03-01-2017, 09:27 PM
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