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02-26-2017, 05:50 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Republicans, having been freed from all sin and self-interest, having the divine right of kings, having the blessing of the Pope, having the ability to defecate minus smelly odor...
Shameless, and I mean shameless, spin.
The Jewish Orthodoxy as it existed at the time of Christ though in many points errant, was nonetheless, the face of God. The Lord came to change all that and rescue men from the error of the Church. Representatives of said status quo got their feathers ruffled in just the way you do, and spoke out against what they believed to be the absurd notion that one man could be right, while the entirety of the Church was wrong. Just because the Lord has not yet brought forceful pain of Judgment does not mean that it is not soon coming. And just because all things continue as they always have does not mean they're not about to change. As I have said, we're on our way down the drain, it's only a question of how far down we are.
In the case I have laid out, one side advocates for social reform. The other side (for the most part) advocates for the values of our fathers. Said social reform is the direct result of the twisting of the concept of the separation of Church and State, which compromise of our values over time, has been further characterized by the legalizing of abortion on demand and the homosexual lifestyle. Frankly it's gotten so ridiculous that gender confusion permeates everything from movies to the law. Not to mention the fact that our last President, a Democrat, went on a number of world tours to promote homosexuality and spent many millions of our taxpayer dollars to so do. Saying that does not excuse Republicans for not opposing the insanity with the force they should have, but you can't say they're the ones introducing social legislation.
So I must have missed the actions of sexual activism on the part of past Republican Administrations, as I must have missed any such actions on the part of the present Republican Administration. Call that spin if you want, but you can't do much by way of rebuttal.
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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by mr.fundamental - 03-01-2017, 07:26 PM
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by TheRealThing - 03-01-2017, 09:27 PM
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