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Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide
Gallup did a poll in 2012, not exactly yesterday, but recently enough to make a point. On December 24, 2012, 77% of Americans claimed to be a Christian. And yet in truly timeless fashion, the following is what the Lord says about the matter;
Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Any way one would look at it 77% is by far and away MOST--- not few. So doctrinal pitfalls notwithstanding, there is obviously tremendous error as to to the actual number of those who are saved among men. Whether they be Roman Catholic or Southern Baptist taken collectively or statistically, most everyone who claims to be a Christian is not. That according to Scripture, is just the regrettable truth of it. And there is another undeniable truth which applies to the process of identifying a Christian.
Matthew 7:20 (KJV)
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Christians are all "new creatures in Christ," and as a consequence their attitudes about sin conform to a strictly standardized norm. Nor do they support, accept or look over abortion for example, or any of the many social no-no's you and I have argued on here. Unity of thought and purpose are prevalent in the true Church. In other words, Christians are and therefore act differently than lost folks. Again, not because they're one bit better. But because they are changed by the power of God, being conformed to the image of God, according to the will of God.

I believe the idea of right wing politics as it exists today, is a misunderstanding, an extrapolation or even a conflation of two separate concepts. However both may be the result of the misbegotten notion as to what constitutes a true and saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me attempt to analogize as follows. Overweight folks often admit for health's sake that they need to lose weight, as they worry heart attack or diabetes could well loom on the horizon. Therefore, they fully intend at some point very soon to diet and get in shape. But weeks turn to months, which turn to years, which turn to decades. And yet, absent those dreaded chest pains most people wind up never getting in shape. Now, they often gain a whole new perspective once that heart attack actually comes, and the unmistakable near death brush with one's own mortality brings with it a real change of heart.

In a way the same is true with eternal life. When a sinner becomes truly convicted of the horrific nature of their sin and of the coming judgment, sometimes, (as in FEW there be that find it sometimes) they repent and God is faithful to forgive their sin. But as in the case of the overweight person, as long as it all seems afar off, the vast majority of people do nothing. The reason? They really don't want to. And then one day unawares, those chest pains come, or the death angel calls. I believe every person intends to get right with the Lord, but puts it off. At some point however, a man's conscience becomes scared and seared with the hot iron of sin, and his once tender heart is hardened to the point where he can no longer accept Christ as Savior. The chronically overweight person is caught in the snare in which he had become so comfortable, as is the lost person who puts off that which he knows so well that he should not. Then it is too late.

But I referred to the misunderstanding of conservative behavior as it is relative to political preference. Conservatism is by it's nature associated with the things of God, that is true. But not because of a political point of view, rather as to what kind of governance is acceptable to those who are led by their sense of morality. Hence the mention of what things are natural and attributable to 'Nature's God,' as written in the Declaration of Independence. The argument by the left always coalesces there because it is fundamental to understanding the original intent of the Founders. But more precisely, would be the left's continuingly errant argument which puts the cart, (the faith of Christians) in front of the horse, (the political views of Christians.) Christians cannot set aside their spiritual enlightenment, and liberals are not willing to set aside their convictions. The difference--- One is the gift of the Holy Spirit, the other is an acceptance of a world system. But that doesn't mean that all who say they are conservative are saved, or Christian, and that was my argument with regard to DJT. Though he may not actually know Christ as Lord and Savior, he nonetheless honors the concepts of US' traditionally conservative values.

Apart from Godly direction, in spite of what law the Congress may pass, or what ruling the Supreme Court may hand down, this land will continue in obvious decline. I maintain the contempt of present day is not the two way street that many try to suggest. The right reject unGodly behavior, without rejecting those who do it, though media characterizations and politicizations charge otherwise.
Messages In This Thread
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by TheRealThing - 02-25-2017, 01:03 AM
Sourge of Liberalism is World Wide - by tvtimeout - 03-01-2017, 04:20 PM

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