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SCOTUS Candidates
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Now see, I thought we were discussing tactics, and not riots.
You keep moving the hurdles, so why jump at your insistence?

The status quo crowd, the oppressors, have no reason to protest things as they are. If a man's coffers are full paying a poverty wage, he seldom takes to the streets to demand a living wage be paid his employees. Your entire premise is ridiculous.

How can we discuss tactics effectively when you don't seem to get why they're even used? Tactics were at one time meant to generate support and ultimately votes. But the tactics used by Dems have backfired, a point which you and they seem to have missed completely. Hence the 6 year 1,000 seat Democrat slide to include the Presidency. The tactics you mention have admittedly stirred up support on liberal campuses, though as in the case of Berkeley, CA., not without the grandmotherly guidance of historic figures such as Janet Napolitano. And certainly not without the hourly wages paid to bused-in protesters and the very deep pockets of quintessential curmudgeon George Soros. And in the case of Ferguson, MO., Baltimore, MD,. Oakland, CA., and many other cities across this land, said tactics culminated in riots.

You need to take a glance at Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" and you will recognize the rationale behind late breaking tactics. Any way you slice it, civil disobedience and riots bring about anarchy, not orderly society. And what are they demanding? The overthrow of those who have played by the rules, obeyed the law, and earned money legally? It's all a scam. For example, this whole deal about Trump showing the world his tax information is absurd if for no other reason than this one overpowering reality. His financial dealings are governed by, overseen by, scrutinized by, and last but not least audited by the people's governmental agency known as the IRS. Nobody doubts the considerable clout they wield, nor their level of efficiency.

On a hot day last summer I was out cutting grass. A very aged yet healthy looking gent was taking a walk, and sort of stopped as if he wanted to speak with me. I pulled up next to him and shut off the lawn mower. After some few minutes I learned he was a WW2 Naval Vet with a rather replete combat resume. Upon returning home as the war ended he got a job at a gas station as a mechanic who specialized mostly in doing brake jobs. Later he expanded his special skills to include front end alignments. He got good at his job, very good.

Neither of those two pursuits would generate a lot of interest in today's job marketplace, though there is more demand than ever. The point is this old guy had an illustrious service record, came home where he found a job, got married and raised a family in the home he bought working on brakes. Not only did he manage, he somehow sent three kids to college without crying about the pressure, and is presently living out his golden years, a self sufficient and self made man. That my friend is a life of honor. And there is no less the opportunity out there than there ever was. What's the difference between him and the guy sitting around waiting for "Publisher's Clearing House" to come in and just hand him 5,000 dollars a week for life? Attitude. One guy having endured great sacrifice, was thankful for the prospect of a life lived in freedom and opportunity. Others sit around feeling deprived, and there is no shortage of talking heads to tell them they're justified.

It is beyond taxing to read the baloney you love to post on here about those in poverty. The following describes how the Lord has ordained that men should attain their substance;
Genesis 3:19 (KJV)
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Many are in poverty, and America has bent over backward in order to help. We have 50 million on food assistance, the which has seen a black market based on fraud and abuse become a billion dollar a year industry.

If folks need help we ought to help. But while bleeding hearts cry about hungry children, they're also demanding that welfare recipients should be allowed to buy cigarettes and beer. In fact, one Colorado Pot Shop "Rite Greens," has already taken the steps to officially accept EBT. In the best of possible scenarios, the fact that many children go to bed hungry, victims of parents who could care less about them but who nonetheless are on the SNAP rolls, is the awful reality. Now, call me stupid but are hungry children and the satisfaction of personal vices not two mutually exclusive lines of thought? We taxpayers pay too much for the privilege of playing the left's idea of the consummate sucker, and lefties like yourself protest too much in demanding for even more. Which is easier, run a proper government program or just keep raising the budget? The more it becomes socially accepted and the easier we make government give-away programs, the longer the line will get.
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