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History Folks...Bowling Green Massacre
Bowling Green was a massacre that could have, but did not happen. NBC News put out an article entitled "ORLANDO NIGHT CLUB MASSACRE."
So, she hardly coined the phrase but who knows what would have happened if the pair in Kentucky hadn't been caught.

The point was as Wide has pointed out, all the caterwauling over limiting ISIS infiltration through our own immigration program is as absurd as it is irresponsible. Kellyanne was just giving an example of actual threat posed from Iran and the outcry from the left over real, not fake, vetting of same. You guys don't want talk about Obama's own 6 month suspension of Iranian refugees I don't suppose?

Further, to say that Mr Trump needed to be told that Frederick Douglass is no longer among the living, is just the sort of inspirational drivel one might expect that goddess of perspicacity and darling of the left Whoopi Goldberg, to come up with. I don't get why you guys can't understand that everybody can see you have to dredge up stuff from centuries past as the foundation for your ridiculous complaints. Complaints of which you have no understanding on the personal level whatsoever BTW. And I know this is an inconvenient truth to swallow in all of this but the secret is out, the protestors at Berkeley and everywhere else are paid. And speaking of Berkeley, who do you think became President of that University as of 2016? Why none other than the venerable Janet Napolitano! You remember Janet, right? The former secretary of Homeland Security under President Obama and key player in providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants? All of these rabid libs out there fomenting riot and being quoted and given a level of legitimacy they do not deserve, is by design of their flaming liberal counterparts among the disgraced press.

You're looking for stuff to complain about and lacking any substance, you're perfectly happy to allow sold-out media to think for you to that end. Based on invisible and contrived evidence, Dems are all about accusing Mr Trump and his Administration of collaboration with the Russians. Meantime, ignoring real proof of collaboration no matter how many times the video is played featuring Obama asking Russian President Medvedev to be patient until after the election when "He'd have more flexibility," is no problem for you at all.
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History Folks...Bowling Green Massacre - by TheRealThing - 02-03-2017, 09:18 PM

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