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CNN: The video division of TheNational Enquirer.
Bob Seger Wrote:lol....That's alright TRT, our good friend, while attempting to display his infinite wisdom and indisputable insight (jam packed with those fine and dandy fancy words and phrasing), was apparently not smart enough to detect that he was the victim of a designed thread who's sole intention was to display his always PREDICTABLE response, accompanied by a defense supported with a blatant liberal slant. Subject matter, right or wrong, irrelevant.....As always, fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

I seriously doubt, that even after it's been brought to his attention, that he'll figure out that he's been pimped...Waaaaay over this cat's obvious "superior" cerebral head.

Ah, a fake thread about fake news for the sole purpose of the much sought "gotcha" moment? Well, aren't you boys clever?

Mutual sycophantic warm shower partners?
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CNN: The video division of TheNational Enquirer. - by The Urban Sombrero - 01-14-2017, 10:27 PM

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