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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.?
TheRealThing Wrote:As usual, owing to a severe case of poor reading comprehension or willful ignorance, you make an argument based entirely on a false premise. I don't believe it is a matter of gloating by the homosexual, maybe on the part of Satan, possibly even liberals, but not the homosexual. It is more like revenge, or that spirit which drives rebellion owing to contempt for all things natural or orderly, that drives the homosexual. The libs are right there with them and though their motivation is different, both share one thing in common. Theirs is a rebellion against God.

Your whole argument regarding our founding for example, though not your own, is one against the authority of God. Obviously the homosexual's life is lived in a state far more self destructive than that of your average everyday liberal, and thus one in which he fairly blazes in his rebellion against God. But make no mistake, like those who deny the Lordship of The Creator in preferring to bow at the altar of evolutionism, the liberal's assault on the Lordship of Christ has been every bit as rebellious. Just as your own efforts to deny our rightful heritage have been incessant. Your position is rooted in rebellion, and is only couched in the language of our founders. But even at that, said language is misapplied and misused in complete distortion of the record.

How pray tell, would the founding of Rhode Island be in any way more significant than that of Pennsylvania? Your advocacy has been consistent, as from the launch day of your retread, you have defended the indefensible, and denied the undeniable. But in perfect character of the rebellious, I would expect you to remain unswayed by the truth. Because your battle is not one of the intellect but of the spiritual.

Pray tell, O Loquacious One, how is defending the human right to choose one's course, a choice not originating with Man, rebellion?

The sun shines on Hitler and Jesus. The rain falls on Stalin and on Paul. Does God advocate genocide? Butchery? His general graces do not differentiate. It is a spiritual point.
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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.? - by The Urban Sombrero - 01-06-2017, 10:20 PM

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