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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.?
TheRealThing Wrote:I can see that your mind is darkened as you diligently go about your father's work of advocacy for the homosexual. Homosexuals who have plied their grievous depravity BTW, without benefit of supportive legislation since the dawn of time. They were always free to work that which is unseemly and unnatural in this country, but what they craved and demanded was validation. As if social acceptance could relieve the impossible burden of conscience. That validation is something the Church will not render. So, that which could never be granted, the courts forced upon the citizenry beginning with the repeal of DADT. Even then deceit was used to work the system in order for them to receive their hollow victory. Activist judges desecrated nearly 3 centuries of law and disenfranchised the voter with their actions of moral treason.

Your absurd argument does not take into consideration the fact that what the gay crowd demanded could only be had through extortion. And even then could not given until the definition of marriage was perverted into something vile and offensive. But by all means, keep pushing on with your work.

My position is not swayed by your scorn or what you deem as gloating by the homosexual community. It is rooted in the protections and rights a civil government oversees. A civil government that is zealous to protect freedom of conscience and essential liberty will likely be a place of freedom to worship and obey God minus hindrance and persecution. Or not to worship. It is here that Roger Williams being cast out, wandering the wilderness, ultimately founding Rhode Island is instructive. For me, a civil government's honoring freedom of conscience and essential liberty for all is akin to God causing his sun to shine and rain to fall on righteous and unrighteous, just and unjust. The general graces of God are by no means advocacy.

Were men placed in charge of sunshine and rain, I fear history suggests darkness and drought for the powerless, the minority, the different, the non-orthodox.
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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.? - by The Urban Sombrero - 01-06-2017, 05:11 AM

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