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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Wow. The stench of an unnecessary apologist manure cannon just went off in here.

The four points of consideration? Innuendo? Hardly.

To consider the Vietnam War a failure of vision and policy, and to point out atrocities that have been documented is not immoral. That's foolish talk.

The Treaty of Tripoli was read in session, was unanimously ratified. BGR originates in a place where the Bob Segars and TRT's and Granny Bears are a firm majority. Why would I expect threads that walk down bubble bursting paths and interrupt the samctuary of magical thinking to "pop"? I did not think a man of faith and the Word would believe the test of truth is a chorus of "Amens" from the crowd. But, oh well, what's another inconsistency of straw to add to the multitude?

Oh I know you guys can make anything say whatever you want it to. But believe me, you left more than a few names off of that 'firm majority' list. I gave you the only credit you deserved, as you actually sourced something other than DNC talking points for once. Having done so, though admittedly a different tack for you, doesn't make your argument right or even necessarily compelling. But as always, you sidestep and reject anything which does not advance the cause of the progressive. The Tripoli argument is certainly not anything new, nor is it new to discussion on here. To say that we are in no sense a nation founded upon the Christian religion does not exclude the founder's sense of morality, or their understanding of creation. I believe their efforts to draft a practical government necessarily would have excluded specific mention of Christianity, but all one must do to recognize their mindset is compare our system of law against the tenets of Christianity. The fact that the founders took up the space to state clearly within the text of the Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equally, certainly reflects the Christian doctrine which identifies the true state of all men: Romans 5:12 (KJV)
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

You bump into article 11 someplace and immediately, you're a constitutional expert and know more than those who've researched and written extensively on the subject. In the entire body of official 'founding' documentation, there is nowhere to be found the faintest glimmer of support for the revisionist crowd, the deniers of Christ. Just like there exists no mention of essential liberty, freedom of conscience, or room to render the concise language of the Constitution in any way flexible. The founders were nobody's fools, they knew all too well the liberals would come against this land and their work therefore, provides no opening for frothing libs from that day or this, to alter away the original intent until it becomes unrecognizable. Society (the guileful, be they elected or civilian) owing to man's depraved nature will always seek to work the system.

And after all, this is but the latest in your effort to sell the idea that the Constitution is a living document, meant by our founders to be flexible to the times. But that is not what Jefferson said, "Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed " But since your intent is obviously to sway the opinion of BGR readership, I've not seen a shred of evidence that you have. If you ever do manage to burst anybody's bubble, I will be first to give you credit. Frankly, I know and have known, a lot of Christian men. Many of them Democrats. They vote for Dems, and do so using the time honored and dishwater weak argument which was conceived prior to 1960. But as this past election revealed, the baseless rationale which holds that Democrats are the party of the working class, is the only bursted bubble I know of. But as exasperating as the failure of these men to see the truth has been, I've never heard even one of them dive into liberal apologetics the way you do. I've seen Church brothers hump up and act as if Christianity and Democrat politics just go together, end of story. I've seen union brothers just hump up and get mad, while people like Sombrero try to wax intellectually superior just because, (about like girls are right all the time just because.)

Satan used the same rationale of compromise when he strove with Eve to disobey God's clear (and singular) commandment in the garden of Eden. Which was of course, not to eat of the one particular tree. Satan talked her into doing something she knew was wrong and as the result, Satan was forever cursed of God. Satan lied, and he is the father of lies. We refer to such compromises of truth as guile, deceit, trickery, pick your own noun. Sadly, such is and has been the liberal's modus operandi. The court on like grounds established in 1948, a Satanic version of separation of Church and State which, has led to the slaughter of 10's of millions of the unborn under Roe v Wade, and the repeal of DADT. Libs refer to such hellish behavior as "moving the country forward." I mean, we talked ourselves into legalizing murder by the million. What could possible remain that we could not rationalize after that?

I know you're desperate to move the country forward but like I keep telling you. Eight years of Trump and the resultant SC appointments will transform the direction of this nation for the next 50 years. But I don't expect you to stop playing the devil's advocate. You have scarcely 20 days of darkness left in which to revel.
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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.? - by TheRealThing - 12-30-2016, 03:23 PM

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