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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.?
Bob Seger Wrote:Take Israel out of this...His foreign policy has been a total disaster. That's what he was saying. You're stuck on implying that Zionism is the only article of his comment.

BTW, Mike Huckabee brought up a good point. "Find a Palestinian map of the area and see if you can find Israel on it ...You wont find one"..Point is, they don't even think that Israel has a right to exist.
So you are saying that Jews don't have the right to pray at the Western Wall?

If there is any truth to news reports, Barack Obama has given Israel nothing but the back of his hand since he rose to power. Netanyahu was for all intent and purpose ignored the first four years of the Obama era. It took a visit from Presidential rival Mitt Romney to get Obama to even speak to Netanyahu. And all the sudden gush of glowing charm and warm affections were again abruptly halted just as soon as the election results were in. But when Hamas and other terrorist groups fired what was to eventually number over 11,000 rockets into Israel----

this was the US response.
"United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday pledged $900 million in aid to the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, including $300 million for rebuilding Hamas-controlled Gaza."

But that was just the beginning. US tax dollars were spent in what has been described as a covert attempt to interfere with Israel's last election as Obama tried to unseat Mr. Netanyahu. So in early 2015 Netanyahu returned the favor, openly addressing the US Congress. And now as Bob has pointed out, this UN vote represents Obama's best parting shot at Israel.

Said resolution would push borders back to where they were in 1967, seriously undermining Israel's ability to maintain any viable level of safety for her citizenry, as the heart of Israel which of course is the city of Jerusalem, would again fall under Palestinian control. One of Trump's objectives reportedly was to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, so much for the respectful and peaceful transfer of power. Ambassador John Bolton is on record as saying that he believes this latest US led swipe at Israel is not the end of his (and our) worries. He is very concerned as to what is left to come, especially in light of the coming so-called peace conference scheduled to convene Jan. 15, 2017, a scant 5 days before the Trump inauguration.
"French officials announced on Thursday that around 70 countries will gather in France on January 15 for a conference to throw the international community's weight behind a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict.

Neither Israeli nor Palestinian Arab representatives will be present at the meeting, but France intends to invite Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Paris some time afterwards to be briefed on the outcome of the talks, the foreign ministry said, according to AFP."

So then let's review. Israel's neighbors to the immediate north are Syria and Lebanon. Syria BTW, is equipped with Russian military hardware and a freshly arrived occupational force.To the south lies Egypt, which for all intent and purpose is still in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. Off to the east, though the nation of Jordan creates a much needed buffer zone, is ISIS controlled Iraq. And bordering Iraq is Israel sworn arch enemy Iran. Which just happens to be flush with billions of jet-delivered dollars, is already or very nearly nuclear, and has ties to Russia. Now, once the "international community" informs Israel of their fate, you know Netanyahu is not about to take all this force fed, diplomacy-by-extortion lying down.

But not to worry for today, Secretary Kerry is once again about to speak.

Luke 21:20 (KJV)
20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.? - by TheRealThing - 12-28-2016, 06:29 PM

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