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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.?

Dominionist from start to finish. I fear that you know the words but not the tune, a sort of misplaced triumphalism upon an earthly state.

Your constant "retread" go to is as tiresome as it is irrelevant. Though "do not lord it over" be the admonition for leadership, you sprinkle this and sprinkle that to arrive at dominionism.

A thumb in the eye and a boot on the throat may satisfy a certain impulse in carnal man, but it is not the Spirit of Christ. The UN is not a perfect organization, nor even a competent one at times, but its stated purpose in 1945 continues to operate successfully.
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Is it Time for the U.S. to Officially Pull Out of the U.N.? - by The Urban Sombrero - 12-26-2016, 06:07 PM

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