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Scottie Russell has resigned as head football coach at Knox Central
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:Great post. As to the bolded, I don't know if "modern" or bust is whole heartedly the way to go. It could be, who all; when executed..wins. Knox Central, as you know, has had a ton of success being who they are. Without knowing the details of what they do offensively, I do know that many look at old school schemes and don't see them as creative because...well...they aren't (no passing game, no misdirection, no trickery, etc).

But, they can be just that and then some...hell, even deadly (ever seen a good wishbone and/or wing t team with a boat load of screens, reverses, etc? Damn fun. Those things w/ a go for broke Play Action Passing game...and, not just on 3rd as fun as anything ever ran on a football field).

Franklin-Simpson (Wing T and then they have an I and Power I package), Johnson Central (Bone + broken bone + spread package), Belfry (their own monster lol), even Central (their base is out of the w/ both 20 and 21, even 22 personnel looks) are all proof that old school is alive and well in KY (almost Scott County, yet again, in the biggest classification in 6A and their Wing T attack).

Best of luck to the Panthers!!
I agree with your post. Still, most teams just don't have the muscle to beat 9 in the box with a power running game. Even 8 in the box. You have to have an offense that responds to the defense. Play action should be central to that.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
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Scottie Russell has resigned as head football coach at Knox Central - by Football1 - 11-30-2016, 06:05 AM

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