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Fake News Epidemic
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Honest digging requires no certain outcome. The four "digging points" send one on a journey into primary source material, not commentary or secondary source material.

The very use of the phrase "Nature's God" is straight from Deistical thought and writings of the time. Read for youself what Christian pastors close to Jefferson, even Washington, thought of the Deistical influence on those highly influential men. You're wrong, TRT, not because traditional Christianity indeed influenced the Framers (it did), but because you shut your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears and say loudly "La La La" in the face of clear and present evidence that Deism was also a major philosophical underpinning of our Constitutional Framers.

No you just want me to be wrong, desperately. That certainly does not make me wrong. Fully 93 percent of the framers were Christians and that is a matter of public record. As I just showed you, it was the practice of the day to declare one's faith. But you keep trying, sooner or later you're bound to come up with something.

Jefferson wrote the words Nature's God, in fact the whole Declaration was his work. Jefferson was not an evangelical, he was however, very conscious and respectful of the sovereignty of God. Gary Amos said of him the following; "Jefferson is a notable example of how a man can be influenced by biblical ideas and Christian principles even though he never confessed Jesus Christ as Lord in the evangelical sense." One thing Jefferson certainly was not however, was an Enlightenment deist. So wherever your digging has resulted in dredging up that moldered old bone, it is 100% bull. In short, your contention is both ill conceived and baseless; the machinations of men desperate to salve their scared consciences.

Further Jefferson and the other founding fathers understood that fear of God, moral leadership and a moral people, were pivotal to any sort of American longevity. I have pointed out that very fact several times this election season. It is the voter who must demand integrity and accountability from their political leaders. In order for that to happen the voter must exercise moral discernment, and the only way to do that is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

It was interesting to read your attempt define the non sequitur on which you have staked your entire reputation, essential liberty. According to you, the founders implied provision was that one day the SCOTUS would evolve to the point where they would see a glorious light from on high and would be inspired to legalize homosexuality. Seriously? That's the best you got for the definition of, drum roll please, essential liberty? :biglmao:
When it all boils down you are defined by your rabid defense of the morally indefensible and in so doing, you try and drag the founding fathers into the argument? Somehow I just cannot accept that as being high up on the agenda for the notables of the Continental Congress.

The sexually deviant have always had society's leave to exercise their abominable behavior. But that was not good enough was it? No, they wanted social validation which, owing to the nature of it's distaste, was not to be had through normal channels. Referendums on the matter of gay marriage often ran north of 70% against. So, the uber left turned their sights on foisting that evil on the public through judicial activism. The American public were then legislated into submission. Accosted by that which they would never have accepted willingly. There's your essential liberty in action and as I said, The Church should be disgusted by it.
Messages In This Thread
Fake News Epidemic - by Granny Bear - 11-18-2016, 05:29 PM
Fake News Epidemic - by Motley - 11-18-2016, 06:07 PM
Fake News Epidemic - by Bob Seger - 11-18-2016, 06:34 PM
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Fake News Epidemic - by Bob Seger - 11-18-2016, 06:38 PM
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Fake News Epidemic - by Granny Bear - 11-18-2016, 08:02 PM
Fake News Epidemic - by mr.fundamental - 11-18-2016, 08:24 PM
Fake News Epidemic - by Motley - 11-18-2016, 09:45 PM
Fake News Epidemic - by Granny Bear - 11-18-2016, 11:23 PM
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Fake News Epidemic - by TheRealThing - 12-02-2016, 08:12 AM
Fake News Epidemic - by mr.fundamental - 12-02-2016, 09:47 PM

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