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Scottie Russell has resigned as head football coach at Knox Central
I enjoyed reading all this. I have put 2 sons through this program. Codi Diamond who was pretty good by most standards (scholarship to Carson Newman) and Casey Diamond who has dominated at DE for 2 years after starting as a QB as a Freshmen. My perspective is simple.

Scotty is a great guy with a bigT heart. His offense was not effective and often the team lacked discipline. I have no inside knowledge but those things may have been the reason he was pressured or chose to resign. I like him personally and wish him the very best.

I don't agree with the harsh criticism of our AD Jeff Canady. He has only one agenda and that is to see KC sports be the best. Academics, culture, and yes - wins - are part of that. I coached his All World son, Jeffrey Canady for many years and never had a negative word from him. If he made this move it was to move the program forward. If Scotty resigned on his own volition it was a choice he made period.

As for the new coach - I dont have a dog in that fight. My sons are done. But if I was polled I would suggest a Corbin like coach. Someone who can install an offense that is modern and unpredictable without losing the hard nosed defense we are known for.

As an ex-parent this is likely one of my last posts. So sorry to see it end like this. My son's senior season was a huge bust. But he learned alot in the process. So be it. Enjoy BGR.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
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Scottie Russell has resigned as head football coach at Knox Central - by Football1 - 11-30-2016, 04:10 AM

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