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06-19-2016, 04:47 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:I'll give you a hint;
Romans 1:26-27 (KJV)
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Since your obvious intent is to minimize the significance of this "particular kind" of sin, why don't you ease up a bit with the liberal equivocations and explain why it was then, that God incinerated Sodom and Gomorrah which had just been specifically called out for homosexuality?
Homosexuality is always and has always been, grievously wrong behavior, hence the presence of STD's. However, it is in the open acceptance of any society of the homosexual life style, (as in the case of Sodom and apparently now the US) which is the indisputable harbinger that judgment is imminently coming as well as societal collapse. There will be no gay priests in heaven, nor any gay people. The one thing you failed to mention in your analysis, but is none the less key in understanding how the woman at the well and all sinners can be forgiven, may be seen in Christ's last words to her; "Go, and sin no more."She didn't sin anymore by the way. The same is true for all sin, and any person guilty of homosexuality must repent of it and live from that time forward in the power which is the promised gift of God.
Not all will be able to turn from the grip of sin and that is the ultimate danger here. Once you've been turned over, or 'given up' to a reprobate mind it's too late. At the cultural level, once society has deteriorated to the point that homosexuality is embraced as a viable alternative lifestyle, it's too late. So, at an individual level the sin of homosexuality is deadly stuff and he is real trouble, but once it becomes reflected in a society as it has in US law and foreign policy, then that whole country is in peril.
Equal protection has been extended to same sex couples. No one is forced to be homosexual, nor stopped. God granted unto humankind a free will, and desired a love freely given, not coerced. What is reflected in the highest understanding of civil freedom at least somewhat mirrors that aspect of God which granted humankind the right to choose.
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