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The Donald has chosen to release....
WideRight05 Wrote:I enjoyed reading your post, but I would differ that Trump used his own money for his campaign. He gave himself a loan, which is nothing unusual and common amongst political candidates. But it's likely he will pay that back from the amount he receives in the general election which, to my knowledge, he mentioned he would not be self-financing that - which I don't see anything wrong with. Where I do find fault, is him stating he would self-finance the primary while paying himself a loan that he intended to pay back during the general election through funding he receives.

My mind is still open to Trump, but I also feel set on Darrell Castle. At this point I just can't find enough consistency in Trump to satisfy me and I just don't like the attitude I am seeing from the movement. Honestly, I think he has told people in the Republican Party most of what they want to hear. The way he treated some of the other candidates (leaving Ted Cruz out of this) and considering he is surrounding himself with more establishment candidates (e.g. Christie) instead of making a big push to try to attract the Mike Lee and Ben Sasse types is a red flag to me.

We'll see what happens these next few months. I'll go ahead and say this just to get it out of the way. If someone from the Republican Party tries to run as a third party, I won't vote for them. Darrell Castle would have been in this race had it been Donald Trump or any of the other 16 Republicans winning. The third party run by a Republican such as Romney or Cotton would be just to draw protest votes. So they will not receive my vote either.

LOL, differing is allowed but let me ask you a question. If you make yourself a loan whose money are you using? Anybody who makes contributions now does so after the political train has left the station. If the RNC tries to dictate terms with their money, Trump will blow their cover.

To my knowledge, the US Constitution Party has not won a single seat in the House or the Senate, nary a electoral vote for President and have only cracked the .20 vote percentile twice in their history for any federal office. I'd say your exactly right about 3rd party being protest votes, respectfully, I don't know that it would be justifiable to carve the votes Castle will get this time from protest votes though. If you add up every Presidential vote cast for the Constitution Party going all the way back to 1992 you'd still be far from 1 million votes cast in the history of the party all told.
Messages In This Thread
The Donald has chosen to release.... - by Motley - 05-19-2016, 05:42 PM
The Donald has chosen to release.... - by Sci-Fi - 05-21-2016, 04:05 AM
The Donald has chosen to release.... - by Sci-Fi - 05-21-2016, 03:45 PM
The Donald has chosen to release.... - by Sci-Fi - 05-21-2016, 09:56 PM
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The Donald has chosen to release.... - by Sci-Fi - 05-27-2016, 04:43 AM
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The Donald has chosen to release.... - by TheRealThing - 05-31-2016, 04:51 AM
The Donald has chosen to release.... - by 64SUR - 06-01-2016, 05:06 PM
The Donald has chosen to release.... - by Sci-Fi - 05-29-2019, 04:42 AM
The Donald has chosen to release.... - by Sci-Fi - 05-29-2019, 05:02 PM

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