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Hopefully this will end the crying about how many classes.
Biggest question I have from all of this.....

How many of THEIR fans complain about the drive to the state championship location? Lol.

I'm kidding, obviously. I get what 55 was TRYING to say, but I think he would have been better served using Tennessee as a comparison to make his point (and the other posters point about private schools) a little better. Tennessee population is roughly 6.5 million to roughly 4.5 million for Kentucky. They also have 6 classes in HS football, plus 2 seperate classes for schools that charge tuition or give financial aid. I think if Kentucky were similarly modeled, most likely you would see 5 classes (max) for the "public" schools and most likely two (max) for the private schools.

Right now, with the rapid and fluid dynamics of the population settlement changing in Kentucky as much as it is, plus so many smaller and less competitive schools choosing to drop out of district play or being merged into larger schools (much like South Floyd and Allen Central will be) primarily on the eastern side of the state, I truly feel like the next 10 years or so will see a move towards 5 classes. Will there ever be a seperate class or two for the schools that give financial aid? I seriously doubt it because of the same mindset that keeps our basketball format as an open "any size school could win it all" sweet 16 format. There MAY be, at some point, a championship similar to the All A for football, but I would be very hard pressed to see how the logistics of that could be managed, how you would avoid schools bouncing back and forth between that and the "larger" championship format, and so on. It's an interesting discussion topic for sure.
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Hopefully this will end the crying about how many classes. - by PHSForever - 05-21-2016, 12:48 PM

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