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Twelve Legions and Jesus' Thoughts of the Crowd
As I understand the mode of speech, when Jesus said he could call "more than twelve legions" he was suggesting heaven held more than abundant "firepower" to vanquish the Romans and any other enemy, but such a response was not the Father's plan. As to why I said "10,000" angels, I believe there is a song with the lyric "He could have called 10,000 angels," which is, of course, not Scripture, but conveys the point that Christ humbled himself, obedient even unto the Cross. Jesus told Pilate he was born with the purpose of being a king, but that his kingdom was not of the present polity and for that reason his servants would not fight to prevent his arrest. Christ said his kingdom was "not from here.". This " other place" kingdom cannot be pointed out on a globe. But what of the places now and in history that can be mapped? What would be a wise way for those places to be governed? As I view it, God granted civil authority to restrain wickedness from landing humanity in total chaos and anarchy, thus we should pray for our leaders and civil authorities. A great blessing in the United States is that several times a week multitudes of millions of Christians attend the church of their choice unhindered. I also count it a blessing that the same is true of the Hindu, the Jew, the Moslem, the Bah'ai, the Buddhist. And, the atheist or agnostic can go to Starbucks and peruse the newspaper, or sleep late. All are unhindered by the civil authority. In my view, this would very much please Roger Williams.
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Twelve Legions and Jesus' Thoughts of the Crowd - by The Urban Sombrero - 02-28-2016, 11:31 PM

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