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Pacquiao says gays worse than Animals
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:In a sense, God gave every man the choice to follow or usurp his law. God made Adam. God made Eve. God made Rick. God made Steve. The purpose of God was that Eve be a companion, a helpmate, to Adam, and that they be united, becoming one flesh. No question about that for Hebrew or Christian. In this dispensation, multitudes ignore the purposes of God. Yet, a civil government still provides EVERYONE "liberty and Justice for all.". I may disagree vehemently with a man's lifestyle, and mourn over the direction of his soul, and grieve over the consequences, clear to the eye and hidden, of ignoring God's ways and purposes; however, I do not force nor compel his conscience, but rather uphold a system of law that protects his liberty to choose the path he desires and ensures he is granted Justice and equal protection under that law. This is the highest vision of human freedom and liberty a civil government can strive for.

Well, once all the smoke from that oratory clears, we are still faced with one inescapable truth. Our government has recently chosen to grant special conditions and privilege to a group whose only distinction is a sexually depraved lifestyle. They had to usurp God's authority to do it. And all that blather about equal protection is straight from the liberal think tank. And I disagree with your last sentence in every way possible. The highest vision of human freedom and liberty was through much blood and sacrifice, handed down to this nation by the founding fathers in form of a document called the US Constitution.

You want to see it on the 'scrap heap of history', another phrase you picked up from me BTW, because you despise traditional America. And it's like I keep telling you, hang in there. Everything you desire is coming by way of the Tribulation.
Messages In This Thread
Pacquiao says gays worse than Animals - by pjdoug - 02-18-2016, 01:37 PM
Pacquiao says gays worse than Animals - by Motley - 02-18-2016, 05:25 PM
Pacquiao says gays worse than Animals - by TheRealThing - 02-20-2016, 06:39 AM

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