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Homeland Terror, Real or Imagined?
The whole deal where Obama and his fabricators-in-servitude are selling the notion that Americans are afraid, is a dodge if you ask me. Even though the present administration has done their absolute best to convince the public otherwise, conservative Americans are not yet ready to accept that we are now second class and somewhat unable to defend ourselves whether abroad or at home. Anything to deflect or misdirect continues to work better than it should because, as in the case of our above mentioned reluctance to see the true threat posed by Islamic terror, we still have a strong natural tendency to believe what our President tells us. Such tendencies have been ingrained in us from birth so, one can only hope and pray the fog of naïvité has finally begun to dissipate.

I will say this however, though we still have senior military brass that can well stand the gap in defense of this nation. A combination of disgust and resentment as splayed against the backdrop of Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance" droning on behind them, has forced many a good man out of this man's Army. If we wind up with yet another progressive/liberal in the White House, the sted of our military leadership could well deteriorate into a state of unpreparedness. The average military career spans only about 20 years. Obama has wasted 8 of that 20, and heaven forbid, if Hillary got in there, after 16 years we could be looking at a US military comprised mostly of liberals, pacifists and gays with flowers sticking out of the barrels of their guns. :yikes:
Messages In This Thread
Homeland Terror, Real or Imagined? - by SKINNYPIG - 12-27-2015, 01:12 AM
Homeland Terror, Real or Imagined? - by TheRealThing - 12-27-2015, 02:40 AM

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