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Calligraphy Students Forced to Write Islamic Statement of Faith
^^ All this fake indignation with regard to respecting freedom of religion is nauseating. If these bozos had the slightest inclination that man should rightfully and naturally accept his subservient role before a Creator, they would be even more upset. But, what you have are liberal legislators and liberal adjudicators who have disdain for the law where it gets in the way of their social justice agenda, such as in the case of illegal immigration. On the other hand, when they want to justify actions of social justice, such as in the case of removing all mention of God from the classroom, the public square, any affair of state, or any entity which accepts government money, they are more than happy to quote chapter and verse under the law in order to do so. Don't let them tell you how much the Separation of Church and State means to them anymore. Islam is being taught in our schools for crying out loud. And don't think the government doesn't know about it.

Of course as I often complain, it was liberals who first invested their entire lives in subverting the law in the first place. In the case heard by the SCOTUS, "Everson v. Board of Education Ewing Township", the forebears of today's politically correct police were consumed by the fact that the kids who were enrolled in a nearby parochial school, were being allowed to hitch a ride to school on public school system buses. Malcontents who were obviously not Christians, got so irritated that they eventually got the ACLU to sue the state to get the ride sharing stopped.

That is when Leo Piffer presented his twist on Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists. His argument was wrong then and it is wrong now. None the less, we find ourselves bound to error and paying an ever increasingly dear price for having soldiered on in allowing the error to continue. It's corruptive influence ultimately costing us both the moral authority and the very foundation on which we based our Constitution and system of law. That being God's law. We had to mindlessly abandon 230 years of glory in the sun, just so we could adhere to this one idiotic ruling. The wall as envisioned by Jefferson precluded government intervention in the affairs of the Church.

At any rate, the common bane of contention has been the left's rejection of Jesus Christ. That's what Everson v. BEET was all about, that's what the liberal's hell bent obsession to expunge any mention of the God of this Universe from all public records, and from off the lips of any public servant is all about. And how does one do that? The liberal go-to default option, is to change the law in order to force compliance with what they want. They didn't want kids who went to Christian Schools riding public school buses. They don't want any mention of God in the public square, hence the war on Nativity Scenes and Christmas in general. So in the mind of a liberal, it's "Happy Winter Solstice." :please: They celebrate every asinine transgender bending blather they can come up with. In fact, since the "Right to Pursue Happiness" has been blurred to include absolutely any abominable act imaginable, I would expect to see people marrying animals before it's all said and done. Simply put, we traditional conservatives are being 'legislated into submission' under the law. I would remind us all, no referendum with regard to homosexual marriage or legalized abortion ever passed muster. These things have been foisted upon us by activist judges.

We don't agree with abortion on demand, nor do we agree with homosexual marriage, nor do we agree with the tenets of social justice, nor do we agree with open borders and the loss of our national identity, nor do we agree with illegal voting by non citizens of this land, nor do most of us agree with global warming. Fat lot of good that gets us if our own government will not listen to our concerns. But we do have this one thing that we can use to put the breaks on the lunacy, vet and vote!
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Calligraphy Students Forced to Write Islamic Statement of Faith - by TheRealThing - 12-19-2015, 11:27 PM

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