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Trump, the political hurricane, still rages
Demarcus ware Wrote:So here's my question. I know Trump pledged to run as Republican as long as they treated him fairly, but with these GOP turning on him, do they not realize he could/would change to independent and just let it blow up in their face? He tweeted this same thing out earlier. Then of course, Bush all but dared him because he says, that would let Clinton just stroll right in the White House. I would hate to see that happen but I think if they continue, it could possibly happen.

Did I not predict that Dems and Republicans would bare their fangs to Trump?

This February when Trump hands them their hats in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, they will finally have to shut up. Then shortly thereafter on February 23rd, Super Tuesday, eight more states vote and it will likely be over. In the meantime, we'll have to suffer through the stupidity of establishment politicians and the talking head groupies who get paid to idolize them for a living on national TV.

I would think that is what Trump is waiting for, though he has made his thinly veiled threat to run independent. And the fact that so many of the GOP have turned on him clearly demonstrates how many of them are RINO's. They and their Democrat brothers are obviously thicker than thieves. This explains why McConnell, Boehner and Ryan have worked so diligently to make Obama's to-do list a reality. And why once they win their reelection bids they completely forget about the concerns of their constituents. I have lost all respect for JEB BUSH, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie and the rest of the GOP field. From my perspective only Ted Cruz has an ounce of integrity. As for the Congress in general, if out of 535 Congressional legislators, only 1 or 2 understands that ISIS forces trying to infiltrate US neighborhoods are not protected under the dictates of the US Constitution, it is a small wonder we're in the trouble we find ourselves.

Seriously, thanks to the obsession of Congress and the media, Trump is castigated and vilified far more than the Islamic extremists who dream of killing us all. At least he understands we need to be protected.
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Trump, the political hurricane, still rages - by TheRealThing - 12-09-2015, 03:51 AM

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