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Private Schools have taken over... A look at State Titles so far this school year
The Eagle has landed Wrote:No one will play Trinity in state cause coaches aren't fools unlike you private school guys on here. Again the private schools have an advantage cause they go around recruiting kids. Ben Revere drove 30 min everyday from Richmond to Lex Cath and his brother who was older played at Lagrange High in Georgia a public school who by the way would smoke the private schools in this state. So you think Ben driving 30 min from another county wasn't an unfair advantage for Lex Cath. If you say no you are smoking crack.
Again, I am not a "private school guy." Try to keep up. If Madison County had strong football programs, do you think the player in your example would have wanted to drive 30 minutes each way to play at Lexington Catholic? BTW, Lexington Catholic did not dominate Class 4A and they will not dominate 3A either. They must be doing something wrong if they cannot win their class every season with all those "unfair advantages."
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Private Schools have taken over... A look at State Titles so far this school year - by Hoot Gibson - 11-12-2015, 03:33 AM

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