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Private Schools have taken over... A look at State Titles so far this school year
Found this article from 2014... some of the information might be outdated, but it should be pretty accurate for the simple fact it takes years to get anything accomplished.

Here's a look at what other states do – or don't do – to combat the issue of competitive balance:

(States without a modification for private schools, no current plans to add one, or no noteworthy history with the issue are listed as NM.)

Alabama: The first state to adopt a multiplier (1999). A 1.35 multiplier is applied to all private school enrollments. The state association settled on 1.35 due to date that indicated athletic participation in private schools is 35 percent higher than at public schools.

Alaska: NM

Arizona: NM

Arkansas: Non-public schools with 80 or more students in grades 10-12 are moved up one classification. A multiplier was used in the past, leading to a court battle. The state association was sued by a school that was moved up two classifications and won three football games with a roster of 25 players. The court ruled that the multiplier was not unconstitutional.

California: NM

Colorado: Competitive balance is an ongoing debate. A private school success advancement system was voted down in 2013.

Connecticut: A 2.0 multiplier is applied to basketball only. Also, a point system based on tournament success is used to further adjust enrollment.

Delaware: NM

District of Columbia: NM

Florida: Has separation of private and public schools in select sports among small schools.

Georgia: Ended a 1.5 multiplier formula for private schools in 2008 after eight years. Data showed that the multiplier did not impact the percentage of private schools winning state titles. Separation of private and public schools in the state's small-school division was approved in 2012.

Hawaii: Each island sets rules for reaching state tournaments. Most have publics and privates compete with each other.

Idaho: NM

Illinois: A 1.65 multiplier is applied to private and non-boundaried schools in all sports. The state association was sued by 37 schools in 2005, leading to a settlement requiring that the multiplier go to a vote of member schools. It passed. A success advancement system was later added to alter division placement based on a team's recent postseason success. Schools may petition to move up a classification.

Indiana: A success advancement system is used, requiring that teams in all sports to move up a classification based on postseason performance.

Iowa: NM

Kansas: Proposals have been made to separate public and private schools, or move private schools into higher classifications.

Kentucky: NM

Louisiana: There has been talk in recent years of private schools forming their own association.

Maine: The state association is on record as opposing separation of public and private schools.

Maryland: Separate tournaments and state associations for public and private schools.

Massachusetts: NM

Michigan: Schools have the option to move up a division.

Minnesota: A reverse multiplier is used to reduce enrollment in some schools. The formula is based on the number of students in a school activity program and the number registered for free or reduced lunch.

Mississippi: The state association has 13 private schools. A group of school administrators failed to ban private schools from joining the state association in 2013. Other privates compete in an independent state association that also features schools from Arkansas and Louisiana.

Missouri: A 1.35 multiplier is applied to private schools in all sports. An additional 2.0 multiplier is applied to single-sex schools. A court ruled that the multipliers were not unconstitutional.

Montana: NM

Nebraska: Multiplier and other enrollment adjustment proposals have been defeated.

Nevada: A point system, based on recent success, is used to move teams up or down a division every two years.

New Hampshire: NM

New Jersey: There are multiple classifications and tournaments for public and non-public schools. Some sports bring multiple state champions together to create a Tournament of Champions.

New Mexico: NM

New York: There are multiple athletic associations, one of which is affiliated with the National Federation of High Schools. It slots non-public schools into divisions based on past success, enrollment and level of competition.

North Carolina: The state association does not allow non-boarding parochial schools to provide financial aid to athletes. There are also separate associations for independent and Christian schools.

Ohio: A competitive balance referendum is up for vote by state principals for the fourth consecutive year. The current plan includes sports-specific multipliers for football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball and soccer.

North Dakota: NM

Oklahoma: A state association committee is exploring reclassification in all sports.

Oregon: The state association rejected a multiplier proposal in 2012.

Pennsylvania: Competitive balance remains an ongoing issue. Prior to 1972, parochial schools competed in a separate association. The state government stopped a proposed return to split associations in 2000.

Rhode Island: NM

South Carolina: There is an independent school state association, but privates and publics also compete together in a separate association.

South Dakota: NM

Tennessee: Schools are split into two divisions: Division I for publics and privates that don't provide financial aid, and Division II for privates that offer financial aid. A 1.8 multiplier is applied to privates in Division I.

Texas: There are separate associations for public and private schools, but the public association is exploring the idea of including private schools.

Utah: NM

Vermont: NM

Virginia: There are separate tournaments and state associations for public and private schools.

Washington: NM

West Virginia: NM

Wisconsin: Separation of public and private schools ended in the 1990s. The state association created a committee in 2014 to examine competitive balance after a multiplier formula was proposed.

Wyoming: NM

Most states have every sport classed.... as mot of us know, Kentucky does not.
Moving Private schools up in Classification might be a great idea for states that have all sports Classed. But it doesn't really benefit Kentucky.
Check out my YouTube channel.
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Private Schools have taken over... A look at State Titles so far this school year - by Pulp Fiction - 11-10-2015, 04:06 PM

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