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Trump, the political hurricane, still rages

Thank you for the long reply and addressing a few of the points I made. I've always enjoyed reading your thoughts, and have found that you respectfully reply with at least a fact or two to back up your ideas. Now... Let me respond in the same manner.

Trump is a RINO. Republicans don't donate tens of thousands of dollars to democrats and give them front row seating at their wedding, as well as make statements like, "Democrats grow the economy better." "Hillary has been an exceptional Senator." "On Healthcare, I agree with democrats." Every view I made a point about in my previous post, is a liberal view. Trump held/holds them.

Listen... If you want to get into a Trump said, and trump believes debate... I promise you, it'd be best if you just stayed quiet. Besides the last few months of his life, he has been a liberal -- and in fact, very liberal.

Healthcare is absolutely a part of American life and the federal government. Trump however wants to increase this role with universal healthcare. He felt Obamacare didn't go far enough. He supports the universal care that is offered in canada and great Britain. .

As far as his tax plan is concerned: Yes, its definitely a Reagan Style, and Laffer supported plan. But there hasn't been a conservative economist yet able to show the numbers as being neutral or increasing revenue. All the projections show trillions of dollars in new debt. Because the fact is, just as you state that healthcare is forever a government entity... in all actuality, ALL programs are. How in the world can trump get the budget cuts needed to balance his tax plans revenue loss, when today dual republican majority can't even get a few hundred million cut from Planned Parenthood? Its not the president that is blocking it... Its the failure of the Senate. Do you really think that the trillions in revenue loss will be cut from the budget giving the state of Congress? Nothing will change in 2016 either. Except, democrats may take back over the senate and the house will lose a few seats for republicans.

Reagan said, "The nearest thing to eternal life that we have seen -- is a government program." Trump will not reverse this course.

As far as Reagan's plan increasing revenue, yes it did. But not by much. When you factor in the inflation rate during his tenure, revenue increased by about 20% over 8 years. This was in part, because of his year after year tax increases in 82, 83, 84, and 85. This alone was about $150 billion in revenue. Taking that out of the picture, revenue increased by about 10%. Much less than spending did.

I don't have alot of time to spend on this post. But I feel like if you posted a few facts here and there, and not emotions, then posed some questions for me -- I'd be able to respond much better. Its difficult to respond to a post that has most of its 'facts' based upon 'feeling'. Give me some hardcore numbers, policies, and ideas... mixed with a few questions, and I'll help you see what Trump really is. A RINO at the very best. A liberal democrat at the worst.
Messages In This Thread
Trump, the political hurricane, still rages - by ronald reagan - 10-20-2015, 03:11 PM

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