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Trump, the political hurricane, still rages
Just listened to a debate between Lt Col Ralph Peters and Reagan economic guru Art Laffer. The Lt Col with whom I usually agree, was less than gracious in his criticisms of Donald Trump, citing several areas in which he considers Trump to be lacking, among them were a perceived lack of experience, his own level of confidence in his ability, his business bankruptcies and as the cherry on top, he repeated the line others have hit Trump with most often. And that is his supposed failure to articulate any plan structure, particularly in the area of finance.

Art Laffer wholeheartedly disagreed on all counts, and endorsed Trump's candidacy without reservation. Saying in particular how impressed he is with the Trump economic plan which he said was laid out "very well." Now folks, the financial steam which has powered this nation's economy from the 1980's to date, was produced by Art Laffer's financial policies initiated during the Reagan Administration. I will take the opinion of the successful architect of the boom times of those days any day of he week and twice on Sunday, over the madness which has characterized the Obama economic policies. I mean, we go from 10 Trillion in debt to 22 Trillion and the Dems are still crowing and extolling their own virtues? :please:

Frankly, the criticisms of Trump seem far more hollow to me than any lack of clarity on Trump's part about how he will accomplish his aims. And BTW, the continuing schoolyard mocking and berations targeting Trump from the left and unfortunately as I predicted, from some deriving from 'Planet Vacuous' on the right, is just more of the same old tripe served up by Dems last election cycle. The vast majority of candidate's "plans" have been mere eyewash if you ask me. Forgotten immediately upon elective office owing to the existence of the real world they have just gotten elected to govern. Laffer thinks Trump has it right and after all, he is a great white shark in an economic sea full of financial predators and pitfalls. In other words Trump is successful by any definition, and I for one would be quite comfortable watching him move into the Oval Office. Most of these know it all politicians have never done a thing but talk anyway.

And we should at least be honest with ourselves with regard to the importance of this deal about the importance of experience. We have a Congress full of experienced politicians. Two of them are Former Senate Leader Harry Reid (who's destructive and traitorous exploits I have long complained about) and who was able to single handedly destroy the functionality of the Senate. And former Speaker Nancy Pelosi who gave us ObamaCare. Added to the list of the 'experienced', is a President of 7 years who just gave us the "Iran Nuclear Deal." At any rate, one thing that makes me cringe is the incessant criticisms that Congress isn't getting anything done. I hope they don't do another thing except pay the bills until after the next President takes office.

I'm not all that impressed with experienced politicians who think they know what is best for Americans and frankly humanity at large. The more I consider the abilities and almost as importantly the likelihood of being elected by the rest for the field, the more I find myself in Trump's corner.

Other than Trump's undeniable achievements, he has one trait that none of the rabid chipmunks populating the present administration have, he knows a lie when he hears one. Believe me, we need somebody who can't be fooled by the terminally stupid at the helm right now.
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Trump, the political hurricane, still rages - by TheRealThing - 10-14-2015, 01:33 AM

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