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Second Republican Presidential Debate
Granny Bear Wrote:I will probably get blasted for saying this, but I did not think the moderators did a good job at all! Mostly, they would pit the candidates against each other for arguments and finger pointing. I would've like to have seen more questions about policy and implementation. Fiorina made it a point to talk about those issues even if she wasn't asked. I thought she gained a lot last night.

The moderators did a terrible job. It became obvious after the 3rd or 4th time they started their question with "Donald Trump said", last night's debate was a witch hunt that by design, was meant to encourage on stage infighting between the candidates, rather than any kind of meaningful debate. The idea was to make them look as petty and shallow as possible. And quite frankly, I thought the candidates more or less played right into it.

Carly Fiorina seems to be the exception rather than the rule where it comes to female leadership. Now don't take this wrong Granny, but in saying that I mean by contrast to other women, not men particularly. For example, if it came down to a vote between Clinton vs Fiorina, it's an automatic no brainer. Carly Fiorina every day and twice on Sunday. At any rate, I tend to believe we really need a strong and insightful man in the captain's chair, though I believe the people of this land would be much better served if all women in government were as astute and clear minded as Carly.

No CNN News anchor is going to be fair, balanced or even civil where it comes to hosting Republicans, whom they despise with every fiber of their being. The candidates need as much exposure as they can get but, that mushroom of an RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, might want to give all the candidates a bit of a heads-up about what to expect regarding debates and formats hosted by their media enemies next time around. It's the least he could do and they should all take a hard look at the way Candy Crowley helped Obama bushwhack Romney during the 2nd Presidential debate leading up to 2012. Remember how she backed up the President when he said he called the Benghazi attack terrorism in a Rose Garden speech? I mean, I've heard people stretch credulity in the past but, that one is thinner than a gnat's rear stretched over a boxcar!

And in defense of Trump's direct style I would submit this for consideration. We've been subjected to so much mealy mouthing from so many politicians for so long, that we now expect every point to be couched in soft peddling and vague half truths. What I like about Trump is his straight forward style of communicating a point. I don't know how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but I know the truth when I hear it and it is in speaking the truth that Trump has surged ahead of the rest. :biggrin:
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Second Republican Presidential Debate - by 64SUR - 09-17-2015, 10:17 PM

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