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09-16-2015, 06:02 AM
KYHSFBFan Wrote:As far as 3a goes, you can make a case for either Boyle or Belfry. Personally, the C.Hardin & Danville wins by Boyle are better wins than any Belfry has, although Belfry has a decent win over NCC and are the defending champs.. The Central win over St X preceeded by a solid win over CAL gives them, imo, enough for the #3 spot, despite a bad loss to Knox, who they led most of the game. I certainly wouldn't penalize them for a competitive to loss to 6a Manual.. IMO, the next 4 could be thrown in a hat and you wouldn't have much of a complaint. That would be Tilghman, Caldwell Co, Lex Catholic and E"Town. Tilghmans wins over McCracken and Graves are solid and their 2 losses to CHardin and Mayfield aren't bad losses. Caldwell has 1 loss on their resume, a 2 point loss at the hands of a 5a ranked Christian Co team. They have quality wins over N.Hardin and F.Simpson. Lex Cath played toe to toe with a very good 6a ranked Ryle team,who took Highlands to the woodshed this past week and also defeated Cov Cath, who's better than their record indicates. B.Green isn't a bad loss either. E'Town is the undefeated of the 4, but, have also played the weakest schedule, although the N.Oldham and N.Hardin wins showed that they do have some game. The final 3 could be decided between Bell Co, Corbin, Russell, Garrard Co or Lawrence Co. Again, they all have some positives and all have some negatives. Not much difference in the 5 and they'll likely rotate in and out of the bottom tier of the Top 10 from week to week.Yeahhhhhhh, Danville is nowhere close to as good of a win as NCC. NCC has played in the state title game like 5 out of the last 6 years and will play in it again this year. You clear top 4 imo is Belfry, Boyle, Lex Cath, Central in no order. Danville a better win than NCC..... Can't get over that one lol
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BGR Rankings Ending 09/11 - by Granny Bear - 09-15-2015, 05:11 PM
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BGR Rankings Ending 09/11 - by EKUAlum05 - 09-15-2015, 05:54 PM
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