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Prayer at Bell County High School football home games
WideRight05 Wrote:I get on here and troll around usually, but this post will be approached with a serious perspective considering my strong Biblical beliefs. I'm going to try to view this from a neutral stance to best enhance my argument.

If I didn't believe in God...I think about the following.

What do we usually pray for?

We pray for safety of the players...
Sportsmanship and character on both sides...
An injury-free ball game...
The coaches as they teach these young men right from wrong...
We pray that most importantly, the young men on that football field develop and grow as both a team and as individuals from this football experience...

If I'm looking at it from the perspective of somebody who doesn't believe, how could I find any of that offensive? Even though one may not believe, what's so offensive about prayer and hope that the game results in positive conclusions in each of the above mentioned areas? Isn't that what we want? Injury-free, wisdom from the coaches, players who learn life skills from the experience?

I hope it's not bad for me to alienate God for that short paragraph. But looking at it from that perspective, I don't see any reason to obsess over trying to stop people at a football game who are praying for a positive outcome.

Now, for my personal opinion, and I hope everybody who reads this (especially Bell County fans) takes note - keep at it and don't let those atheist groups intimidate you by trying to utilizing the courtroom to shove their agenda down your throats. I may not be a Bell County football program supporter, but we are all Bell County fans when it comes to the fact that this program is trying to take a positive stand. Follow the examples in Mississippi, in Georgia right now where high school football programs and bands are not budging to the atheist agenda.

If you're fined, so be it. Keep at it. We have a simple tool called Gofundme now. And if that happens, you can bet I'll be opening my wallet for Bell County.

Not to turn this political, and I'm not a big Donald Trump guy, but if we took his courage in standing up for what we believed in then we wouldn't have this problem. I applaud the Bell County fans for displaying this kind of courage, and I strongly agree that should the atheists make an issue of this that we ALL take a stand right beside Bell County.


So you Pray but Little Johnny still tears his ACL his senior season? What now? Because everyone prayed for it not to happen...but it did? Ohhhh but that's right God is teaching Johnny a lesson, That you can't be out there playing the sport you love, with your best friends, on a beautiful Friday Night because God has plans for you. God kinda seems selfish.
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Prayer at Bell County High School football home games - by Thrillex - 08-25-2015, 06:23 PM

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