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The End of America??
This is why we need somebody like Trump to come in an restart the whole democracy process as a whole.
Cut the dependents.
Lets be honest here, the only people that should receive federal assistance are seniors and the disabled. That's it, period.

If you said that to a liberal, they would probably send you to a CNN or MSNBC link of how hard it is to be a single mother in New York City working at Mcdonalds and how she needs assistance.
1- Get the hell out of NYC or anywhere that living is expensive even if you have to walk.
2- Why did you have a kid. I know accidents happen, but it sure isn't the governments or other taxpayers fault. We should never let a kid starve, I agree on that, so support the kid through foster care, and take away the parent rights. This keep the money out of the hands of parents who abuse it. It will also keep people from abusing the system and birthing children into this world who will have a miserable life for no other reason than mommy and daddy gets extra money.
3- Government should never enter or interfere with the private sector. Example: Healthcare. I had wonderful healthcare 10 years ago. It was cheap, I had good coverage and only used it when I needed to, you know, the way insurance it supposed to work. Medicaid and Medicare are never going to last. that's a given, so why are we still paying for it? The govt has no right to start there own monopoly on healthcare. But weve come complacent just as the email read.

Instead of giving those who refuse to look for work a free handout, end all hunting laws! No more permits, no more spotted owl endangerment non sense, let them hunt for there own food. They will either hunt and eat or starve.

It also blows my mind how many commercials we see on TV about donating money to help these poor starving kids in third world countries that we will never meet. For one, there a scam. The kid probably receives 2% of what you actually give while that same NON PROFIT charity rapes the other 98% right out of the bank. Second, why not only donate money to those in need here? Why not only donate to charities and pantry here in America and help our your fellow countrymen before giving to someone half the world away? It could have really help during the Obama tenure.

I don't disagree with the email at all. I do however feel it left out one important step. Self destruction and civil war.....
Messages In This Thread
The End of America?? - by Granny Bear - 07-30-2015, 08:58 PM
The End of America?? - by Black Bear Dad - 07-30-2015, 10:01 PM
The End of America?? - by TheRealThing - 07-31-2015, 03:01 AM
The End of America?? - by RunItUpTheGut - 07-31-2015, 05:27 AM

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