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Republican Presidential Candidates
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Ive thought about that as well.
My only conclusion is no matter what democrat runs they know its a sure loss during this time. Who in this state would want to be a democrat in the senate? Look no further than WV to see that debacle. If your a democrat you've got to fall in line and theres only one choice. Be a FAR left wing nut or get no help from your party members. A far left democrat will never win a seat in this state again so long as things stay the way they are.

Personally I don't give two shits about Rand. Never have. I think his a leach that has used our state to game notoriety when he doesn't care about Ky in the slightest bit. But even the worst republican seems to be better than the best democrat at this point. One hilarious point of view to think about is the reason democrats held this state and states like WV as long as they did. UNIONS. Now that the same party who loves unions have killed off there coal union members, theres no one left in this state to pull in big money to a democratic nominee while the companies that are still here mostly back repubs.

If we could ever give Lville to Indiana then Democrats couldn't garner up 20% of any election.

Democrats are in it for themselves. By that I mean the individuals holding office, nearly to the man/woman, are textbook megalomaniacs. They've gotten to the point where they are incapable of feeling any kind of humility whatever, and all I need do to demonstrate the point is to cite the behavior of Emperor Obama. One minute he is abroad apologizing to world leaders for the actions of men gone by, of whom he is not worthy to criticize BTW. The next he is lecturing to those same world leaders from his demonstrably junior perspectives and chiding them for their loose adherence to the liberal agenda. IMHO, he fancies himself on the cutting edge of what liberals call 21st century thinking, and yet to me, Obama has yet to have right on his side. Notwithstanding, all Dems fall in line behind him on strictly liberal lines, or they are shunned and permanently relegated to the ranks of the meaningless.

Therefore as you point out, the vast majority of people will reject Democrats for the loons they are. Now, that is not to say the social circus of misfits, sloths and losers that makes up the Dem's voting base will not continue to try to put them in office. I mean, have you heard Hillary's initial promises to double down for the takers yet? The inner cities and major population centers will continue to go Democratic until their strangle hold on the welfare for votes system is somehow broken. And to their own detriment, the unions have certainly aided and abetted the liberal cause.

I have my issues with Rand Paul too, although for now I just cannot accept that any Democrat on the planet could govern at the Senatorial level nearly as well as he has. Of the isolationists still around, Paul would have to be one. But, if radical Islamists are willing to blow themselves up just to kill some infidels, the US staying on the sidelines in a world of make believe will not stop one of them from pushing that nuclear button. And though isolationism in today's world may seem passé, all the arguing by some to stay out of Middle Eastern affairs will eventually put us on that very nuclear threshold.

Like North Korea, radical Islamists know they can by-pass the disciplines of nation building and the establishment of a military that could give the US a challenge, simply by getting the bomb. I would say that is the message that Benjamin Netanyahu brought to the US Congress. And, unless all the news agencies I have heard of late are stupid, Iran is mere months away from having the capability of visiting that nightmare on our very doorstep.
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