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Dr. Ben Carson potential Presidential Campaign?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I would trade Netanyahu for Obama, Reid, Bohner, McConnel, and a first round draft pick in a minute. It is too bad that Republicans have to import a statesman and a leader to show this country what is missing in our own government. I was not able to listen to Netanyahu's speech but I have read some excerpts.

The news about Hillary's use of a very hackable private email account to conduct government business should be getting much more coverage than it is receiving. If Nixon had been as dishonest and disrespectful of the U.S. Constitution as Obama and his cabinet, he might have hung on for three terms. It is amazing the depths to which this country has sunk to find our current "leaders."

Most people have forgotten the arrogance that characterized the Clinton White House but, I have not. The only time I saw Bill without that cocky smirk was after the 'outing' of he and Monica Lewinski. But, even in light of all the sex, lies, videotape and criminal repercussions of those days, I still am having trouble wrapping my head around this one. I mean, a sitting US Secretary of State not ever using her assigned secure email account, (according to reports I heard tonight on the news) is incredible. More than that, we have to take her word that she actually turned over all emails for the archives as required by law. Four years of US State Department wheeling and dealing, many with historic implications, on her word alone? :igiveup:
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Dr. Ben Carson potential Presidential Campaign? - by TheRealThing - 03-04-2015, 05:44 AM

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