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Dr. Ben Carson potential Presidential Campaign?
WideRight05 Wrote:Looks to me like you are afraid of Ben Carson running and are trying to make up anything and everything you can about him. I am going to guess that you are a two time Obama voter - which if you are that or even a one time Obama voter, you certainly have no room to be calling out anybody else's thinking as "lunacy."

What it is you do that makes you such a "rational thinker?" You must be really be something special. We should all just bow down to that caustic post with many false claims about Ben Carson.

I like Ben Carson, but he won't be my pick to go to the white house unless he wins the primary.

Well, I've been getting quite a laugh from your conversation with Motley. I actually took the time to look at all his sources and as it turns out, your gut feeling was pretty close.

Just two examples quickly even though any one of those given would be easy to respond to. Let's take the one about the deal with God telling the good doctor that the idea of a flat tax was His plan. All Carson was saying with that was that Israel, a theocracy, did it's business and funded 'the state' through the voluntary act of Tithing. Or 10 percent of their substance. Now, maybe Motley thinks Carson is a moron, but I just wonder how much of his paycheck goes to the state? At any rate, I'd be much happier with paying a universal flat tax than I am the 18,000 plus dollar price tag my insurance company says is what I can now expect to pay in order to conform to the dictates of ObamaCare. So, for Carson to have drawn the parallel between Israel surviving on 10 percent versus a US flat tax is not all that bizarre if you ask me.

Secondly, was this deal about the earth being only 6,000 years old. Nobody knows how old the earth is but, I can tell you this. I am of the belief that God did in fact speak the universe into existence, and that He in fact, formed Adam of the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. Now maybe I'm just too dumb to 'get it', but God didn't make a baby Adam, He made an adult Adam. Therefore, God made the man Adam as an adult. He made him with age already in him. It follows that God could very well have made a functioning universe to include the Earth for Adam to live in with the appropriate amount of age in it.

This idea we have about how the universe formed and how the planets formed out of space debris resultant from a big bang, is far harder for me to accept than the all powerful God Who is Creator. The theories that Motley cites as science are anything but proven. While the basis for rejecting the Creation account has to be one of emotion, as equally God's account cannot be disproven by known science.
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Dr. Ben Carson potential Presidential Campaign? - by TheRealThing - 03-04-2015, 03:12 AM

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