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Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5
Are you kidding me. It's one thing to win, but by 80 points. What is that teaching girls. If you have a better, dominant team, win by all means, but don't humilitate. Teach these kids to have respect for one another.
Messages In This Thread
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by Warthog - 02-25-2015, 05:26 PM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by Sportsmom14 - 02-26-2015, 08:28 AM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by IntheZone - 02-26-2015, 08:22 PM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by Blue/Red - 02-26-2015, 10:27 PM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by Blue/Red - 02-26-2015, 10:29 PM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by IntheZone - 02-28-2015, 01:37 AM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by Creeker - 02-28-2015, 05:17 AM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by Creeker - 02-28-2015, 04:41 PM
Shelby Valley 89 Piarist School 5 - by IntheZone - 02-28-2015, 09:41 PM

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