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Is Pro Wrestling the same as major Theatre?
Is Professional Wrestling the same as a major Theartre production?

I say Yes.

Pro wrestling is scripted. Yes, the talent (wrestlers, referees, managers, announcers) are actors. The matches are decided way before the wrestlers step in the ring. But they are performers. Everybody has to work together to tell the story, wether it is bad guy vs. good guy, friend vs. friend, foe vs. foe.... it's called sports entertainment for a reason. We are watching to be entertained. Not to marvel at the spectacular scientific wrestling match by match. Hulk Hogan was the worst wrestler ever, but he told the story better than anybody.

Movies, TV shows and Broadway style theatre productions are scripted. Every person on screen/stage is an actor. Some productions are funny, some are dramatic, some are action based.... but they all tell a story.

Ric Flair's 1992 Royal Rumble match could have easily beat out Al Pacino's performance in "Scent of a Woman".
And Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan's commentary in the '92 Rumble is the best you will ever hear. From before the match starts until Flair's promo in the locker room.... his commentary is golden and the best performance of his career.

Daniel Bryan's victory at WrestleMania when the entire SuperDome was doing the "YES" chant and the reactions from the crowd when The Undertaker got beat to end his win streak was epic. No theatre show, movie, tv show could have the same response like those two moments.

So let's hear your opinion.........
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Is Pro Wrestling the same as major Theatre? - by Pulp Fiction - 01-07-2015, 08:23 PM

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