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Shelby Valley Transfers
shady21 Wrote:Yeah my kids are personal to me and what happens to them and other kids should be personal to everyone. It isn't about playing time for him. He didn't play a lot in middle school either, it was about being treated fairly. Him and others were treated differently, insulted sometimes, and taught to think if they said anything about it they were being "poop stirrers" and if they said anything bad about the coach they were just trying to hurt the team. It took my son over 2 months to even tell me anything because of that. He did not want to hurt his team, he loved the guys and being apart of the team and he tried hard but realized he wasn't the best and would probably not play much. He just hated being there because of how he was treated. He was just going to just not show up but I insisted he be a man and tell the coach. Coach Hicks didn't miss a beat to say "ah we didn't need you anyway".

But sense you mention playing time. It's hard to know how much "hacking it you have to do" when someone better can always be brought in from somewhere else. And is it my sons job to hack selling t-shirts, programs, gym signs, and other random things, to show up every day for practice, take insults, listen to other players and coaches tell him what was said about him by coach Hicks when he wasn't around, and then give up the little time he was able to earn because the coach is friends with some other players parent, or because he brings new guys in? That's a lot to hack for a teenager.

I don't know all of the names of the players that quit and wont say the ones I do on here, but I would bet it was kids who knew things wasn't fair. But I must say you do a great job representing the same type of thinking "Motely" because your right, sadly they will not be missed, but I think they all should be. I just think the coach should be loyal and kind to our children first, not roll out the red carpet for others to come and take things from them. Look at the kid from last year. Not saying anything bad about him or his parents, I'm sure they were nice people. But are his parents still here? Do they vote and pay taxes here? Will he move back here one day? If we lose homes in a fire, flood, or whatever will they come help us rebuild? I lived in WV for a few years in my 20's but I don't care what happens there now. I care what happens here, to our children, to our community. So it matters to me if Hicks owns his home because he doesn't have any ties to this community other than a paycheck. He doesn't have to live with the problems he can create here, he can hurt our kids and take things away from them and when the damage is done or he finally upsets someone who does matter he can up and walk away from it in less than a days time without any consequences. And because he chooses to rent it tells me he plans on it.

So yeah now it is personal for me. But if we support this type of thinking it will eventually be a problem for everyone. We do so little to support our own then wonder why our people can't find jobs, why our community has so little, why our kids do with out or can't "hack it" and why the ones that can "hack it" leave and don't come back. It's because there is no loyalty to our own and too much done for people who will never give back. You want to let kids transfer in, make them put in the extra practice time to get caught up, make their parents raise extra money to get caught up, and make dang sure they are invested in our community and not just what they can take from us and it before they leave. And don't get me wrong, I don't blame people for taking advantage of us or hold it against them, they are just doing what is best for them and their children. I just wish someone was worried about what was best for ours.

But what do I know. I'm not a concerned parent, I'm just a "poop stirrer" for worrying about OUR children with what is obviously just a "personal problem".
Sadly Shady21 you are wasting your time saying anything. You're only going to get bashed by those who have benefitted from what you have described and you will get sympathy from those who have also went thru it. Long gone is the day where your local team with local kid's practiced and played and tried to get better. I also seen where someone said something to the effect "if your kid couldn't hack it" Let's be honest, we as adults we will only put up with so much bull**** too. Why would you ask you kid too? When you see there is nothing you can do to overcome a situation, then why bother wasting your time? I have no kid or kids involved in this situation at Valley. However as one former Coach told me just yesterday, "It goes on everywhere, you can't escape it" Best of luck to your child in his future endeavors.
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