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Desperate Appeal to Low Information Voters
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Since I'm on an iphone, let's just address the "10th amendment, states rights " you name, since you want to lean toward it. What privilege did said states lose, if they restricted voting right of citizens? I'll tell the answer, they lost congressional representation. If it went the way you want, KY wouldn't have any representation in Washington.

What on earth are you talking about? I posted the history. Either you can't understand it or you won't uinderstand it. Either way illustrates your ignorance.

In making laws concerning voting, the states never "restricted voting rights" since the "rights" were based upon complying with the law passed by the state. The "rights" were set by each state. That is how the founders intended it. That can't be argued. Of course, we all know what liberal judges have done to destroy our constitution. I'm not going to waste time replying to Mr. Onion Head in a separate post. Let's just say that he/she must have been in your eighth grade history class and, like you, Ms. Doodad failed to educate him/her either.

It is difficult to impossible to carry on an intelligent conversation with either of you because your "information" is so completely baseless in fact.

And, I still haven't heard your answers to my questions concerning Clueless Barbie's alleged qualifications, the whereabouts of Andy, or if you union boys allow those who do not pay union dues to vote in union elections.

Of course, I already know the answers to all three questions. If you don't answer, you just appear to be hardheaded. However, if you do answer, you are proving yourself to by a hypocrite- particularly on the voting issue. And, maybe better to be a hard head than a hypocrite, don't you think?
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Desperate Appeal to Low Information Voters - by Harry Rex Vonner - 10-28-2014, 12:54 AM

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